Results for 'Rafael Escudero Alday'

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  1.  48
    De la constitucionalización a la indeterminación. Retos Y desafíos Del positivismo jurídico.Rafael Escudero Alday - 2010 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 44:395-415.
    The article presents a vision of the challenges to which contemporary legal positivism has to respond. The constitutionalisation that governs current legal systems offers a new framework in which to develop the classic controversy between positivism and iusnaturalism. This article analyses the different positivist proposals put before the reality of the constitutional state as well as its replies to the criticisms of those who consider it anoutdated theory of little use. Finally, it will also deal with the relationship between positivism (...)
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  2. Arguments against inclusive legal positivism.R. Escudero Alday - 2007 - In Josep J. Moreso, Legal theory: legal positivism and conceptual analysis: proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, volume I = Teoría del derecho: positivismo jurídico y análisis conceptual. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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    Qué hacemos por la memoria histórica.Rafael Escudero (ed.) - 2013 - Madrid: Akal.
    Qué hacemos para reparar a las víctimas, hacer justicia, acabar con la impunidad y por la construcción de la memoria histórica. En la mayoría de países democráticos el conocimiento del pasado, así como la reparación y justicia para las víctimas de períodos represivos, son parte de los cimientos del propio sistema. Por el contrario, en el caso de España, la debilidad de la democracia tiene su raíz en la impunidad de la dictadura, el abandono de las víctimas y la ausencia (...)
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    Mathematical Formulation and Comparison of Solution Approaches for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Access Time Windows.Rafael Grosso, Jesús Muñuzuri, Alejandro Escudero-Santana & Elena Barbadilla-Martín - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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  5. AGM-Like Paraconsistent Belief Change.Rafael R. Testa, Marcelo E. Coniglio & Márcio M. Ribeiro - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (4):632-672.
    Two systems of belief change based on paraconsistent logics are introduced in this article by means of AGM-like postulates. The first one, AGMp, is defined over any paraconsistent logic which extends classical logic such that the law of excluded middle holds w.r.t. the paraconsistent negation. The second one, AGMo , is specifically designed for paraconsistent logics known as Logics of Formal Inconsistency (LFIs), which have a formal consistency operator that allows to recover all the classical inferences. Besides the three usual (...)
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  6. Privacy. An intercultural perspective.Rafael Capurro - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (1):37-47.
    This paper deals with intercultural aspects of privacy, particularly with regard to differences between Japanese and Western conceptions. It starts with a reconstruction of the genealogy of Western subjectivity and human dignity as the basic assumptions underlying Western views on privacy. An analysis of the Western concept of informational privacy is presented. The Japanese topic of ‘‘denial of self” (Musi) as well as the concepts of Seken, Shakai and Ikai (as analyzed by the authors of the companion piece on privacy (...)
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  7. Toward a comparative theory of agents.Rafael Capurro - 2012 - AI and Society 27 (4):479-488.
    The purpose of this paper is to address some of the questions on the notion of agent and agency in relation to property and personhood. I argue that following the Kantian criticism of Aristotelian metaphysics, contemporary biotechnology and information and communication technologies bring about a new challenge—this time, with regard to the Kantian moral subject understood in the subject’s unique metaphysical qualities of dignity and autonomy. The concept of human dignity underlies the foundation of many democratic systems, particularly in Europe (...)
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    Heidegger and the Question of Man’s Poverty in World.Rafael Winkler - 2007 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 15 (4):521 – 539.
    This article offers a new reading of Heidegger's thesis of the animal in The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics. Framing Heidegger's text through a brief analysis of Protagoras' genetic story of nature and of man's nature in Plato's eponymous dialogue, our reading brings out three key elements common to both texts: living nature as a normative rather than a physical order, the poverty of man's world in relation to the animal, and the attempted redemption of the latter through the acquisition of (...)
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    Dwelling and Hospitality: Heidegger and Hölderlin.Rafael Winkler - 2017 - Research in Phenomenology 47 (3):366-387.
    _ Source: _Volume 47, Issue 3, pp 366 - 387 In this article, I focus on Heidegger’s conception of hospitality in his first and final lectures on Hölderlin’s _Germania_, _Remembrance_, and _The Ister_. I argue that the hospitality of the foreigner for Heidegger is the condition of possibility of dwelling understood as the happening of history.In the first section I analyze the notions of hospitality in Levinas and Derrida. The second section unpacks some of the senses of the earth in (...)
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  10.  37
    Intuición, racionalidad y confiabilidad.Rafael Miranda - 2018 - Cinta de Moebio 62:261-273.
    Resumen: El objetivo de este escrito es discutir el rol y validez de las intuiciones en el ámbito epistémico, en particular el rol de las denominadas intuiciones racionales y su característica de acceso a priori a ciertos ítems o de conocimiento o de creencia. Se analizará el supuesto de centralidad de las intuiciones en la argumentación filosófica. Este supuesto otorga un rol evidencial a una intuición I que un sujeto S tiene respecto a una proposición P. En otras palabras, dicha (...)
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    Active citizenship for persons with psychosocial disabilities in Sweden.Rafael Lindqvist & Marie Sépulchre - 2016 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 10 (2):124-136.
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  12. Ist die Idee des Guten nicht transzendent oder ist sie es doch? Nochmals Platons ΕΠΕΚΕΙΝΑ ΤΗΣ ΟΥΣΙΑΣ.Rafael Ferber - 2005 - In Damir Barbarić, Platon über das Gute und die Gerechtigkeit / Plato on Goodness and Justice / Platone sul Bene e sulla Giustizia. Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 149-174.
    Plato scholars such as Matthias Baltes (1940-2003) and Luc Brisson have defended the thesis that Plato‘s Idea of the Good is on the one hand beyond being (epekeina tês ousias) in dignity and power, but is nevertheless not transcendent over being. The article gives first (I.), an introduction into the status questionis. Second (II.), it delivers the most important arguments for the thesis of Baltes and Brisson. Third (III.), it gives two counterarguments against the thesis. Fourth (IV), it deals with (...)
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  13.  21
    Impacto económico del ocio en el siglo XXI.Marta Álvarez Alday & Asunción Fernández-Villarán Ara - 2012 - Arbor 188 (754):351-363.
    El siglo XXI es testigo de una transformación en el concepto de ocio, con un importante aumento de sus actividades con transcendencia económica. Hasta ahora el ocio se consideraba en los períodos de no trabajo y hoy se buscan experiencias importantes a lo largo de todo la vida. El Instituto de Estudios de Ocio de la Universidad de Deusto centra su interés en la experiencia humana más allá de los productos tangibles. Asistimos a un cambio cultural importante en el mundo (...)
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    Tracking the emergence of meaning in the brain during natural story comprehension.Alday Phillip, Sassenhagen Jona & Bornkessel-Schlesewsky Ina - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  15. (1 other version)Deuteros Plous, the immortality of the soul and the ontological argument for the existence of God.Rafael Ferber - 2018 - In Gabriele Cornelli, Thomas M. Robinson & Francisco Bravo, Plato's Phaedo: Selected Papers From the Eleventh Symposium Platonicum. Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag. pp. 221-230.
    The paper deals with the "deuteros plous", literally ‘the second voyage’, proverbially ‘the next best way’, discussed in Plato’s "Phaedo", the key passage being Phd. 99e4–100a3. The second voyage refers to what Plato’s Socrates calls his “flight into the logoi”. Elaborating on the subject, the author first (I) provides a non-standard interpretation of the passage in question, and then (II) outlines the philosophical problem that it seems to imply, and, finally, (III) tries to apply this philosophical problem to the "ultimate (...)
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  16. Was und wie hat Sokrates gewusst.Rafael Ferber - 2007 - Elenchos 28 (1):5-40.
    The first part of the paper (p. 10-21) tries to answer the first question of the title and describes a set of seven “knowledge-claims” made by Socrates: 1. There is a distinction between right opinion and knowledge. 2. Virtue is knowledge. 3. Nobody willingly does wrong. 4. To do injustice is the greatest evil for the wrongdoer himself. 5. An even greater evil is if the wrongdoer is not punished. 6. The just person is happy; the unjust person is unhappy. (...)
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    Baroque tower on a gothic base: A Lakatosian reconstruction of students' and teachers' understanding of structure of the atom.Rafael Blanco & Mansoor Niaz - 1998 - Science & Education 7 (4):327-360.
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    Buddhist Murmurs? – Another Look at the Composition of the Gōngsūn Lóngzǐ.Rafael Suter - 2020 - In [no title].
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  19. As Far as the Eyes can Reach: Complete Analysis in the Intermediate Wittgenstein.Rafael Azize - 2010 - In Elisabeth Nemeth, Richard Heinrich & Wolfram Pichler, Image and Imaging in Philosophy, Science, and the Arts. Preproceedings of the 33rd International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 23-25.
    Conceptual analysis is one of the notions undergoing dramatic changes during Wittgenstein's intermediate period. There's an aspect of such changes which might prove characteristic of the new directions taken by Wittgenstein's thought after 1929: it is the notion of complete analysis. We believe that Wittgenstein's treatment of this notion is also an interesting indication of new concerns generated by the "new method" itself, in terms of its radical openness to dialogism and its anti-dogmatism. Our aim here will be to explore (...)
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  20. "The origins of objectivity in communal discussion" : einige Bemerkungen zu Gadamers und Davidsons Interpretationen des "Philebos".Rafael Ferber - 2010 - In Christopher Gill & François Renaud, Hermeneutic philosophy and Plato: Gadamer's response to the Philebus. Sankt Augustin: Academia. pp. 211-242.
    The first chapter, "Der Hintergrund von Gadamers 'Phänomenologischen Interpretationen' in Sein und Zeit" traces the origins of Gadamer’s interpretation of the Philebus in Sein und Zeit. Especially important is that Dasein is, thanks to speech , already outside of itself in the world. The second chapter "Gadamers Dialektische Ethik" gives a short summary of the main points of Gadamer's interpretation of the Philebus. The third chapter "Davidsons reinterpretation of von Gadamer's Dialektischer Ethik" 222-231), points especially to the fact that Davidson (...)
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  21. Alle Menschen streben von Natur nach Wissen.Rafael Ferber - 2014 - Studia Philosophica:167-183.
    The article is the revised version of an inaugural lecture given at the University of Lucerne on 8 November 2001. In part (I), I give an interpretation of the first sentence of the Aristotelian Metaphysics: ‘All men desire by nature to know’. In part (II), I show how, for Aristotle, this desire to know constitutes a continuum from knowledge given by sense perception to knowledge of the first principles. In part (III), I compare this Aristotelian conception to Plato’s more ‘existentialist’ (...)
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  22. Meio e forma em Niklas Luhmann: a limitacionalidade autoconstrutiva da sociedade.Rafael Lazzarotto Simioni - 2006 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 11 (2):133-162.
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    Practical Logic and the Analysis of Legal Language.Rafael Hernández Marín - 1991 - Ratio Juris 4 (3):322-333.
    Abstract.One of the theses of the present work is that, at the strictly logical and methodological level, practical logic has neither made, nor can it make any contribution to the philosophy of law, since none of the three branches of practical logic that have been taken into account, namely, the logic of norms, deontic logic and legal logic, seems to be theoretically possible. The contribution of practical logic to the analysis of legal language is assessed in terms of both the (...)
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  24. Le Bien de Platon et le Problème de la transcendance du Principe: Encore une Fois L' EPEKEINA TÊS OUSIAS de Platon.Rafael Ferber - 2018 - CHORA : Revue d'Études Anciennes Et Médiévales 15:31-43.
    The article treats again the question of whether «the Idea of the Good is a Reality in the Universe, or beyond it. Is it immanent or transcendent ?» (Rufus Jones, 1863 1948). Plato scholars such as Matthias Baltes (1940 2003) and Luc Brisson have defended the thesis that Plato’s Idea of the Good is, on the one hand, beyond being (epekeina tês ousias) in dignity and power, but on the other, is nevertheless not transcendent over being. The article delivers first (...)
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  25. Economic Liberty, Price Control, and Environmental Harm.Rafael Martins - 2018 - Justiça Eleitoral Em Debate 8 (2):83-90.
    One core question in contemporary political economy is whether economic liberties should be constitutionally protected as basic rights. In this article I do not provide a positive argument for the view that economic liberties are basic rights. Rather, I seek to provide a reason for not embracing the opposing view, i.e. that economic liberties should not be constitutionally protected as basic rights. Based on Hayek’s theory of price as signal, I argue that price control, a view usually associated with high (...)
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  26. Practical Reason and Moral Motivation:An Analysis of Arguments Against Internalism.Rafael Martins - 2013 - Itaca 24:184-200.
    In The moral problem (1994), Michael Smith tries to link three conflicting theories that alone are intuitively plausible, nevertheless, they do not seem to work well together. The first proposes that moral judgments are in fact beliefs about objective matters. The second states the concept of “practicality requirement”. The third is a humean belief-desire psychology, i.e. if a moral judgment is sufficient to explain actions, then it must involve a desire. If that is the case, it cannot be simply a (...)
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    La racionalización del sufrimiento: una aproximación epistémica al problema evidencial del mal en el mundo.Rafael Miranda Rojas - 2024 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 7 (2):97-114.
    Hay sufrimiento en el mundo, hay mal en el mundo. Existe evidencia de ambos. No todo sufrimiento parece ser con vistas a un bien mayor. Es decir, parece haber casos de mal gratuito o injustificado. El pasado 2 de febrero del 2024, observamos en Viña del Mar - Chile las trágicas consecuencias de un devastador incendio forestal, probablemente provocado intencionalmente por el ser humano. Ante escenarios de este tipo, el desafío epistémico para quienes creemos en Dios es preguntarnos si este (...)
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  28. Nachruf auf Henri Lauener.Rafael Ferber - 2003 - Kant Studien 94 (4):403-404.
  29.  18
    Do rigorosamente vago e seu papel na tradução.Rafael Azize & Paulo Oliveira - 2021 - Tradterm 40 (1):180-202.
    Na investigação acadêmica/científica, o vago é usualmente tratado como desvio do exato. Na teoria da tradução, isso toma corpo no conceito tradicional de ‘equivalência’ como igualdade a priori e no nível do sistema linguístico. Contra essa visão, retomamos aqui uma aproximação entre o conceito de ‘normas tradutórias’ de Gideon Toury e a concepção de linguagem do Wittgen­stein tardio, orientando-nos também pelos comentários do filósofo brasileiro Arley Moreno. Defendemos que o vago tem precedência lógica ante o preciso, na linguagem tout court (...)
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  30.  72
    Alterity and the call of conscience: Heidegger, Levinas, and Ricoeur.Rafael Winkler - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 24 (2):219-233.
    Since the publication and reception of Levinas’s critique of Heidegger, it has become standard practice among some authors to argue that Heidegger’s thinking of being, both early and late, is an insistent meditation on the alterity of the self in the call of conscience and the alterity of being in relation to beings, and that this thought is consequently already ‘ethical’. This line of argument has been recently pursued by Dastur, Raffoul, and Ricoeur. None of them contests that there is (...)
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  31.  47
    Identity and Difference.Rafael Winkler & Abraham Olivier - 2016 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 47 (2):95-97.
  32.  59
    Time, Singularity and the Impossible: Heidegger and Derrida on Dying.Rafael Winkler - 2016 - Research in Phenomenology 46 (3):405-425.
    _ Source: _Volume 46, Issue 3, pp 405 - 425 This article focuses on Heidegger’s reflection on death in Being and Time, on the question of whether death can be mine, on what the connection between death and mineness can tell us about schizophrenia, and on the relation between Heidegger’s talk of death and mineness and Derrida’s talk of mourning and mineness.
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    Le jugement par inclination chez Saint Thomas d'Aquin.Rafael Tomas Caldera - 1980 - Paris: J. Vrin.
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    On the failure of the time-energy uncertainty principle.Rafael Sorkin - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (1-2):123-128.
    We establish, for the quantum system made up of a single free particle, the formula ΔE Δt≳(v/c) ħ, where ΔE is the precision to whichE can be ascertained in time Δt. The measurement can be carried out with zero disturbance inE itself.
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    Baudelaire e a Modernidade: Um Diálogo Entre Walter Benjamin e Michel Foucault.Rafael Nogueira Furtado - 2012 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 4 (7):345-361.
    O respectivo artigo tem por objetivo expor e confrontar as análises realizadas por Walter Benjamin e Michel Foucault a respeito de Baudelaire e suas reflexões sobre a Modernidade. Trata-se de evidenciar o modo como cada teórico apropriou-se do pensamento de Baudelaire, tendo em vista a problemática a eles comum da crítica à Modernidade. Ao longo deste escrito, o pensamento de Benjamin e Foucault foi apresentado separadamente, para que ao final aproximações e distinções pudessem ser estabelecidas. Com isto, visa-se lançar luz (...)
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    Out-of-Pocket Spending and Financial Equity in the Access to Medicines in Latin America: Trends and Challenges: 2010-2020.Rafael Cortez, Andre Medici & Rucheta Singh - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (S1):17-38.
    There is evidence of persistent inequalities in household financial protection of health and drugs spending in Latin America. Despite the expansion of coverage, strong inequalities persist in access to health and family spending on drugs in the region. Out-of-pocket spending in medicines is regressive in greater need for affordable medicines.
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  37.  10
    Las metáforas ¿son el único camino para conocer a Dios?Rafael R. Cúnsulo - 2017 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 20 (39):43-53.
    Cuando santo Tomás habla del modo de conocer a Dios, señala que la manera más adecuada es el de la analogía, y dentro de las analogías, la metafórica es la que más sintoniza la desproporción entre la criatura y el creador. Por su parte, Ricoeur nos habla del papel que el simbolismo desempeña en la constitución y captación misma de la realidad, donde toda metáfora, gracias a su expresión en el lenguaje, se presta a múltiples interpretaciones. Este lenguaje simbólico se (...)
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    Diferencias estratégicas de las majors del petróleo ante la transición energética: opciones, motivaciones e implicaciones.Rafael Fernández Sánchez - 2023 - Arbor 199 (807):a691.
    El trabajo propone un marco para analizar las opciones estratégicas de las majors del petróleo ante el reto de la transición energética, considerando simultáneamente dos cuestiones que están interrelacionadas: el objetivo de reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y el objetivo de adaptarse a los cambios que se están produciendo en la demanda de energía. Haciendo uso de este marco, se pregunta en qué medida los cambios que se están produciendo en la demanda energética han sido una condición (...)
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    Robert J. Dostal. "Gadamer’s Hermeneutics: Between Phenomenology and Dialectics.".Rafael Lima Barros - 2022 - Philosophy in Review 42 (2):10-15.
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    Robust Ethical Realism and the Moral Coincidence Problem.Rafael Graebin Vogelmann - 2022 - Dissertatio 55:91-110.
    I present an objection to robust ethical realism, the view that there are mind-independent moral facts with normative import. I argue that if we combine robust ethical realism with a traditional conception of morality, according to which persons are especially relevant from a moral point of view, the result is that there is a remarkable coincidence between the content of normative facts and the kind of beings that actually exist. On the one hand, the normative facts single out persons as (...)
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    Charles H. Lohr, The Aristotelian Tradition (1200-1650): Translation, Themes and Editions (Firenze, 2023).Rafael Ramis Barceló - 2024 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 30 (2):137-139.
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    O homem capaz de deus: Perspectivas de Viktor Frankl E do catecismo.Rafael Zanata Albertini - 2010 - Revista de Teologia 4 (5):62-70.
    This article discusses the human capacity to seek meaning and more, feeling last for life. For this, serves up a double contribution: the Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, founder of Logotherapy, and statements voiced in the first chapter of the new Catechism of the Catholic Church. Both have several points of convergence.
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  43. La justicia en la literatura.Rafael de Mendizábal Allende - 2008 - Critica 58 (954):66-69.
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    From 'What New Political Economy Is' to 'Why Is Everything New Political Economy?'.Rafael Galvao de Almeida - 2022 - Economic Thought 10 (2):28.
    In this paper, I aim to discuss New Political Economy as a label for the economic analysis of politics, in the English language. The term 'political economy' itself, although it has ceased to be the preferred term by which economists refer to their discipline, it is still being used by a variety of scholars, especially for interdisciplinary research with political science, international relations and other social sciences. Marxist- inspired social scientists also have a claim on the term 'political economy'. The (...)
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    O mais originário do Dasein: o lidar prático no mundo.Rafael Ribeiro Almeida - 2019 - Investigação Filosófica 10 (1):87.
    Na década de 20 do século passado, época do aparecimento de _Ser e tempo, _Heidegger posiciona-se veementemente contra o modelo _teórico-cognitivo _de sujeito-objeto, problematizando, assim, a hegemonia da teoria do conhecimento na filosofia.Contra este paradigma, o filósofo alemão traz à tona um modo original de abordar a lida mais primária do _Dasein_ no mundo, cuja primazia recai em um sentido _prático, _por assim dizer.Neste sentido, nosso objetivo reside em explicitar, a partir do pensamento heideggeriano, a relação mais primária que o (...)
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    Life and the sacred.Rafael Alvira & Carmelo Vigna (eds.) - 2012 - New York: G. Olms.
    One of the concepts which deserves particular attention by philosophers of the 21th century is that of life and, more specifically, that of human life. Because life on Earth is limited, mankind has historically relied on religion for its promise of salvation and an afterlife.Yet, recently, people have been relying on alternative institutions, such as the state or market, for answers to their questions about the limited nature of human life. With the rise of dependence on such instituions comes the (...)
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    La construcción estética de Europa.Rafael Argullol, Victoria Cirlot & Tamara Djermanović (eds.) - 2014 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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  48. El malestar de la democracia.Rafael Ramis Barceló - 2010 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 35:190-194.
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  49. Hacia una lectura unitaria de la obra doxográfica de Diógenes Laercio: S. Grau Guijarro: La imatge del filòsof i de l'activitat filosòfica a la Grècia antiga, Anàlisi dels tòpics biogràfics presents a les "Vides i doctrines dels filòsofs més il·lustres" de Diògenes Laerci , Barcelona, PPU, 2009.Rafael Barcelo - 2009 - Astrolabio 9:241-245.
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    Integrating cooperation and conflict: Comments on Raymond Boudon's paper.Eliezer Ben-Rafael - 1993 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 7 (1):29 – 31.
    (1993). Integrating cooperation and conflict: Comments on Raymond Boudon's paper. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 29-31.
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